The Impact of Policy and Topology on Internet Routing Convergence RIPE EOF 38 January 22, 2000


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The Impact of Policy and Topology on Internet Routing Convergence RIPE EOF 38 January 22, 2000


PPT Slide

This Talk


Comparing ISP Convergence Latencies

Observed Fault Injection Topologies

Factors Impacting BGP Propagation

ISP1-ISP4 Paths During Failure

ISP2-ISP4 Paths During Failure

ISP3-ISP4 Paths During Failure

Why the Different Levels of Complexity?

Convergence in the Real World

Convergence in the Real World

Policy and Convergence

Relationship Between Backup Paths and Convergence

So, what does all of this mean for convergence time?

Towards Millisecond BGP Convergence

Further Information

Author: Craig Labovitz
